Severe Migraine Sufferers Find Hope at GSDM

osborn-200For those who suffer debilitating migraines daily or almost daily, approximately 3.5 million in the US, there is an innovative procedure now offered by Dr. Timothy Osborn at Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine (GSDM) and Boston Medical Center (BMC). He is one of two surgeons in Boston and one of fifteen in the country who perform this type of surgery.

The first step is injecting Botox to defunctionalize some of the muscle enough to cause it to stop compressing the nerves and causing pain. This provides partial relief. The second step, the surgical part and what makes this procedure special, involves releasing the nerve from the muscle and surrounding tissue.

This is done with a method that stems from cosmetic procedures such as an endoscopic brow lift, where surgeons reach the affected area through the upper eyelid. Another way to do the procedure is to enter through five small incisions in the scalp.

“It is invasive, yes, but not major surgery, Dr. Osborn says, and a good option for people whose migraines limit their ability to function.”

“The goal is for the reduction in the frequency, the intensity, and the duration of migraines,” Dr. Osborn explains. The longest results yet available are at only five years, but those patients have seen drastic reduction in migraines. The surgery is an outpatient procedure and is covered by insurance.

Dr. Osborn studied with a surgeon in Dallas who helped pioneer the procedure. Now, in Boston, Dr. Osborn hopes to connect with more people in need of treatment, study the outcomes, and possibly develop new procedures.

“I applaud Dr. Osborn’s efforts to relieve the pain suffered by people with migraines and his commitment to this innovative procedure,” said Dean Jeffrey W. Hutter. “I am happy to welcome him once again to Boston and to the Boston University family.”


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