Virtual Care TBI Neurorehabilitation Program
Virtual Care Multimodal Rehabilitation Program for TBI & PTSD
Bogdanova, Y. (8/2024). Virtual Care Neurorehabilitation Program for Traumatic Brain Injury: Multimodal Approach. Rehab programming & opportunities for cross-VISN coverage. VISN1 TBI Conference, Boston, MA.
Naeser MA, Martin PI, Ho MD, Krengel MH, Bogdanova Y, et al. (2023). Transcranial Photobiomodulation Treatment: Significant Improvements in four Ex-Football Players with Possible Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease Reports, 7(1), 77–105. DOI: 10.3233/ADR-220022 View Publication
Naeser MA, Martin PI, Ho MD, Krengel MH, Bogdanova Y, Knight JA, Hamblin MR, Fedoruk A, Poole LG, Cheng CH, Koo BB (2023). Transcranial photobiomodulation to improve cognition and behavior/mood in ex-football players with possible chronic traumatic encephalopathy: improved functional connectivity and NAA levels on MRI. Symposium paper. Proceedings, Global Webinar, Alzheimer’s & Dementia.
Naeser MA, Martin PI, Ho MD, Krengel MH, Bogdanova Y, Knight JA, Hamblin MR, Fedoruk A, Poole LG, Cheng CH, Koo BB (10/2023). Transcranial PBM for chronic TBI, and four Ex-Football Players possibly developing CTE. Abstract. Frontiers in Optical Science-Laser Science (FiOS-LS).
Bogdanova, Y. (11/2022) Telemedicine and brain injury neurorehabilitation: Expanding access to care in COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Symposium, Annual meeting of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine.
Bogdanova, Y., Sokol, O.E., Gilbert, K. (2021). Home-based Photobiomodulation Treatment for Cognitive and Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in TBI. Abstract. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 102(10), E81-82.
Bogdanova, Y., Langenbahn, D., Trexler, L., Bergquist, T., Bachus, S. (2020). Multidisciplinary Cognitive Rehabilitation in Brain Injury: Integrated Approach. Symposium Paper, Annual meeting of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Read more
Bogdanova, Y., Gilbert, K., Baird, L. (2021). Virtual Care and Home-Based Treatment for TBI During COVID-19 Pandemic. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 102(4), e19. PMCID: PMC8849178 Read more
Bogdanova Y. (2020). Technology in brain injury neurorehabilitation: Access to care in COVID-19. Brain Injury Prof., Vol 17(4), 20-22.
Bogdanova, Y. & Eickhoff, C. (2019). At-Home Light Emitting Diode Therapy for TBI. VHA Innovation Experience, Washington, DC.
Bogdanova, Y., Gilbert, K., Baird, L., Naeser, M.A. (2019). LED Home Treatment Program for Chronic TBI and PTSD: Clinical Program Evaluation. Abstract. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 100(12), e187-188.
Supported by:
National Center for Healthcare Advancement & Partnerships
VHA Innovators Network (iNET), Innovation Accelerator