Donghe Li, Ph.D.
Post-Doctoral Associate, Biomedical Genetics – Mar. 2020-Present
Boston University – Boston | USA
Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Program of Bioinformatics – Feb. 2020
Seoul National University – Seoul | S. Korea
M.S. in Department of Statistics – Aug. 2014
Chung-Ang University – Seoul | S. Korea
B.S. in Department of Statistics – Aug. 2010
Yanbian University – Jilin | China
Research Interests
Dr. Li received his Ph.D in Interdisciplinary Program of Bioinformatics from Seoul National University. Following this, he pursued postdoctoral research in the Department of Biomedical Genetics at Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine. During the Ph.D. periods, he had the opportunity to participate in various genetic research projects, utilizing different genetic research methods for various complex diseases. He worked on gene-gene interaction analysis in Type 2 diabetes, performed segregation analysis to find the genetic model for breast cancer, constructed genomic data analysis pipeline including imputation and variant calling, performed genome-wide association analysis and identified the progressive effect of SNPs on longitudinal lung function, as well as APOE stratification analysis with Alzheimer’s disease data. Dr. Li’s current research focuses on the genetic background of Alzheimer’s disease across the multi-ethnic populations. Specifically, he aims to quantify genetic effects through clustering and genome-wide association approaches in large cohort datasets of AD. He also interested in exploring transcriptome signatures by implementing gene expression, pathway, and network analysis methods to further investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying the disease.
Research Projects
1. Development of a Risk Prediction Model for the Breast Cancer in Korea Population based on the Family History of Diseases
– Compared imputation tools and INDEL calling tools for family-based genetic data
– Performed segregation analysis to find genetic model for the breast cancer in Korea population
Dec. 2014 – Jun. 2017
2. Advanced quality control system to long term pediatric respiratory and allergy cohort data
– Systematic management data for long-term pediatric respiratory and allergy
– Establishment of big data-based cohort data imputation algorithm and preparing countermeasures against missing values.
– Enhancement of cohort data integration system reflecting mid/long term cohort data collection plan.
Dec. 2016 – Jan. 2018
3. Implementing Compositional Platform for Pharmacogenomic Knowledge-based Analysis
– Construction of genomic data analysis pipeline (INDEL calling pipeline)
– Performed phenome-wide association analysis and heritability estimation.
Dec. 2016 – Nov. 2018
4. Family-based Analysis with National Institute on Aging Late-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease (NIA-LOAD) Study dataset (Boston University)
– Conducted genome wide association study
– Genome-wide association study implicates EPHA6 for Alzheimer’s disease in Family-based analysis
Aug. 2018 – Jan. 2019
5. Identifying Progressive effect of SNPs on Korean Longitudinal Lung Function Data
– Heritability estimation with all and subgroup data
– Performed genome wide association analysis
Feb. 2019 – Present
6. APOE Stratification Analysis with Chosun University Dataset (Choson University and Boston University)
– Conducted genome wide association study
Mar. 2019 – Present
Journal Articles
1. Donghe Li, John Farrell, Jesse B Mez, Eden R Martin, William S Bush, Richard Mayeux, Jonathan L Haines, Margaret A Pericak-Vance, Li-San Wang, Gerard D Schellenberg, Kathryn L Lunetta, Lindsay A Farrer. Novel Loci for Alzheimer Disease Identified by Genome Wide Association Study in Ashkenazi Jews. (Alzheimer’s & Dementia 2023 June)
2. Donghe Li, Woojin Kim, Jahoon An, Soriul Kim, Seungku Lee, Ahra Do, Wonji Kim, Sanghun Lee, Dankyu Yoon, Kwangbae Lee, Seounguk Ha, Edwin K Silverman, Michael Cho, Chol Shin, Sungho Won. Heritability Analyses Uncover Shared Genetic Effects of Lung Function and Change over Time. Genes (Basel) 2022 July 13(7).
3. Li D, Kang H, Lee S, Won S. Progressive effects of single-nucleotide polymorphisms on 16 phenotypic traits based on longitudinal data. Genes & Genomics 2020.
4. Li D, Kim W, Wang L, Yoon KA, Park B, Park C, Kong SY, Hwang Y, Baek D, Lee ES, Won S. Comparison of INDEL Calling Tools with Simulation Data and Real Short-Read Data. IEEE/ACM Trans Comput Biol Bioinform 2019: 16(5): 1635-1644.
5. Li D, Won S. Efficient Strategy to Identify Gene-Gene Interactions and Its Application to Type 2 Diabetes. Genomics Inform 2016: 14(4): 160-165.
1. Donghe Li, Sungho Won “Comparison of INDEL Calling Tools with Simulation Data and Real Short-Read Data”, The 44th Korean Public Health Conference, 2017, Seoul, South Korea. (Minister’s Award of Ministry of Health and Welfare for Poster Presentation)
2. Donghe Li, Sungho Won “A Genome-Wide Association Study Implicates EPHA6 for Alzheimer Disease in Family-Based Analysis”, Alzheimer’s Association International Conference 2019, Los Angeles, USA. (Poster Presentation)
3. Donghe Li, Ting Fang Alvin Ang, Weiming Xia, Lindsay A Farrer, Jesse Mez, Rhoda Au, Thor D Stein, Gyungah R Jun “Domain specific cognitive functions predict neuropathological traits in the Framingham Heart Study”, Alzheimer’s Association International Conference 2021, San Diego, USA. (Poster Presentation)
4. Donghe Li, John Farrell, Jesse B Mez, Eden R Martin, William S Bush, Richard Mayeux, Jonathan L Haines, Margaret A Pericak-Vance, Li-San Wang, Gerard D Schellenberg, Kathryn L Lunetta, Lindsay A Farrer “Novel Loci for Alzheimer Disease Identified by Genome Wide Association Study in Ashkenazi Jews”, Alzheimer’s Association International Conference 2022, San Diego, USA. (Lightning Presentation)
5. Donghe Li, Xudong Han, Lindsay A. Farrer, Thor D. Stein, Gyungah R. Jun “Transcriptome Signatures for Cognitive Resilience Among Individuals with Pathologically Confirmed Alzheimer Disease” Alzheimer’s Association International Conference 2024, Philadelphia, USA. (Poster Presentation)