BUMC IT: Educational Media & EdTech Groups

Supporting the BUMC Community:

EdMedia is your go-to for all needs related to BUMC centrally scheduled classroom and event space reservations and in-room instructional support.  Lucy Milne oversees this group made up of the Central Scheduling and Instructional Services/AV teams along with the Business Administrator and billing function.

EdTech is your go-to for all needs related to educational technology, the digital media studio, research, and evaluation software tools, training, consulting, and support.  Jana Mulkern oversees this team of Educational Technologists, Platform Management & Media Production professionals.

If you require Accessibility Services, please contact Disability and Access Services


Documentation, Links & Videos


Zoom Links & Walk-through Guides

        Instructional Services (classroom), Educational Technology (training/consulting), and Central Scheduling Staff Support:

        For on-site classroom and lecture hall audio/visual support: edmedia@bu.edu.

        For educational technology platforms and applications: edtech@bu.edu.

        For room scheduling: bumc-centralscheduling@bu.edu

        For immediate attention for all support, call 617-358-0900

        If you have questions or concerns regarding EdMedia & Educational Technology services, please contact Educational Media Director, Lucy Milne 617-279-3535 lmilne@bu.edu and/or Educational Technology Director, Jana Mulkern 617-999-8743 jmulkern@bu.edu.  We are on standby to support you.