News – Boston MCRC Pilot Grant RFA
Member-only registration for ACR is now open, with general non-member registration opening on July 12.
In-person and virtual are the same price, and seem to be much more expensive than in prior years. There are two options – one that includes Advance Programming, and one that is only the Scientific Sessions.
Please note that the hotel registration requires you to first register for an in-person pass before you can book housing.
Boston MCRC 2021 Pilot Grant RFA
Boston Musculoskeletal Clinical Research Collaboratory, a NIAMS funded CCCR, is delighted to announce a Request for Applications (RFA) for Pilot Project Grants for August 1, 2021.
PORTICO Presentation: Monday, January 11, 2021
Please see below for information about an upcoming presentation brought to you by one of the CCCRs within our group, PORTICO (Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center). The presentation is on Monday, January 11th from 11am-12pm EST (10-11am CST and 8-9am PST).
We hope some of you will be able to join for this presentation!
Please note this is not a collaborative CCCR event.
“High-dimensional flow cytometry analyses and publicly
available clinical study data
Presented by:
Sandra Andorf, PhD
Assistant Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics,
Division of Biomedical Informatics, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Monday, January 11, 2021
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 826 2407 9412
Passcode: 740685
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Approved by: PORTICO Methodologic Core
Tuhina Neogi on Understanding Pain in OA
There is a well-recognized structure-symptoms discordance in osteoarthritis, reflecting the multifactorial nature of pain in osteoarthritis. In this talk presented on December 9, Dr. Neogi reviewed evidence regarding altered neurobiological mechanisms contributing to the pain experience, with implications for new treatment opportunities.
Flyer for 12.9.20_UNC CCCR SS- Tuhina Neogi
Boston MCRC Pilot Grant RFA – Application Deadline Extended to July 15, 2020
Boston MCRC Pilot Grant RFA – Application Deadline Extended to July 15, 2020
Boston Musculoskeletal Clinical Research Collaboratory, a NIAMS funded CCCR, is delighted to announce a Request for Applications (RFA) for Pilot Project Grants for September 1, 2020.
Information and Forms can be found on the Boston MCRC website
Boston MCRC Pilot Grant RFA
Boston Musculoskeletal Clinical Research Collaboratory, a NIAMS funded CCCR, is delighted to announce a Request for Applications (RFA) for Pilot Project Grants for September 1, 2020.
Information and Forms can be found on the Boston MCRC website