Senior research scientist in Lau lab and teaching assistant/mentor for master’s program in Bioinformatics dept. Research interests revolve around understanding human diseases at the genomic level to discern how various complex systems interact and function within a cell, using bioinformatic tools.
Ma Q, Srivastav SP, Gamez S, Dayama G, Feitosa-Suntheimer F, Patterson EI, Johnson RM, Matson EM, Gold AS, Brackney DE, Connor JH, Colpitts TM, Hughes GL, Rasgon JL, Nolan T, Akbari OS, Lau NC. A mosquito small RNA genomics resource reveals dynamic evolution and host responses to viruses and transposons. Genome Res. 2021 Jan 08. PMID: 33419731
Dayama G, Zhou W, Prado J, Marques-Bonet T, Mills RE. Evolution of nuclear mitochondrial insertions in genomes of primates. NARGAB: (2020), doi: 10.1093/nargab/lqaa089
Dayama G, Priya S, Khoruts A, Blekhman R. Interactions between gut microbiome and host gene regulation shed light on the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer in cystic fibrosis patients. Genome Medicine: 12, 12 (2020).
Mangul S, Mosqueiro T, Abdill R, Duong D, Mitchell K, Sarwal V, Hill B, Brito J, Littman R, Statz B, Lam A, Dayama G, Grieneisen L, Martin L, Flint J, Eskin E, Blekhman R. 2019. Challenges and recommendations to improve the installability and archival stability of omics computational tools. PLoS Biol 17(6): e3000333
1000 Genomes Project Consortium, A global reference for human genetic variation. Nature, 2015 Oct 1;265:68-74
Sudmant PH, Rausch T, Gardner EJ, Handsaker RE, Abyzov A, Huddleston J, ZhangY, Ye K, Hsi-Yang Fritz M, Konkel MK, Malhotra A, Stütz AM, Shi X, Casale FP, Chen J, Hormozdiari F, Dayama G, Chen K, Malig M, Chaisson MJP, Walter K, Meiers S, Kashin S, Garrison E, Alkan C, Antaki D, Bae T, Chines P, Chong Z, Clarke L, Dal E, Ding L, Emery S, Fan X, Gujral M, Kahveci F, Kidd JM, Lam HYK, McCarthy S, Flicek P, Gibbs RA, Marth G, Menelaou A, Mu XJ, Muzny DM, Nelson B, Noor A, Parrish NF, Quitadamo A, Raeder B, Schadt E, Schlattl A, Shabalin A, Untergasser A, Lameijer E, Walker JA, Wang M, Yu F, Zhang C, Zhang J, Zheng-Bradley X, Zhou W, Zichner T, Sebat J, Batzer MA, McCarroll SA, The 1000 Genomes Project Consortium, Mills RE, Gerstein MB, Bashir A, Stegle O, Devine SE, Lee C, Eichler EE, Korbel JO. An integrated map of structural variation in 2,504 human genomes. Nature ,2015 Oct 1;265:75-81
Dayama G, Emery SB, Kidd JM, Mills RE. 2014. The genomic landscape of polymorphic human nuclear mitochondrial insertions. Nucleic Acids Res, 10;42(20):12640-9.