Profile Directory
Linda Afifi
Assistant Professor
gross anatomy, clinical anatomy, histology, neuroscience, education -
Razan Alotaibi
Program: PhD in Anatomy & Neurobiology
Alvin Ang
Research Assistant Professor
statistical and machine learning techniques, Framingham Heart Study -
Rhoda Au
cognitive aging, epidemiology, digital technology -
Alazar Ayele
Program: Masters in Anatomy & Neurobiology
Amara Ayoub
Program: PhD in Anatomy & Neurobiology
Katharine Babcock
Program: PhD in Anatomy & Neurobiology
Helen Barbas
Professor of Health Sciences and Anatomy & Neurobiology
Margaret Bauman
Research Associate Professor
pediatric neurology, clinical care, autism -
Fatgezim Bela
Program: Masters in Anatomy & Neurobiology