Warren Y. Hershman MD
Professor, General Internal Medicine
72 East Concord Street | (617) 638-6534warren.hershman@bmc.org

General Internal Medicine
Expertise includes: Teaching; Ambulatory teaching; Curriculum development; Clinical evaluation; Teaching EBM; Clinical reasoning; Communication skills.
MD, University of Massachusetts Medical School
MPH, Harvard School of Public Health
AB, Harvard College
Green EH, DeCherrie L, Fagan MJ, Sharpe BA, Hershman W. The oral case presentation: what internal medicine clinician-teachers expect from clinical clerks. Teach Learn Med. 2011 Jan; 23(1):58-61. PMID: 21240785.
Published on 1/13/2009Green EH, Durning SJ, DeCherrie L, Fagan MJ, Sharpe B, Hershman W. Expectations for oral case presentations for clinical clerks: opinions of internal medicine clerkship directors. J Gen Intern Med. 2009 Mar; 24(3):370-3. PMID: 19139965.
Published on 4/1/2008Kernan WN, Hershman W, Alper EJ, Lee MY, Viscoli CM, Perry JR, O'Connor PG. Disagreement between students and preceptors regarding the value of teaching behaviors for ambulatory care settings. Teach Learn Med. 2008 Apr-Jun; 20(2):143-50. PMID: 18444201.
Published on 7/26/2007Chen D, Lew R, Hershman W, Orlander J. A cross-sectional measurement of medical student empathy. J Gen Intern Med. 2007 Oct; 22(10):1434-8. PMID: 17653807.
Published on 10/1/2005Hauer KE, Alper EJ, Clayton CP, Hershman WY, Whelan AJ, Woolliscroft JO. Educational responses to declining student interest in internal medicine careers. Am J Med. 2005 Oct; 118(10):1164-70. PMID: 16194650.
Published on 1/1/2005Green EH, Hershman W, DeCherrie L, Greenwald J, Torres-Finnerty N, Wahi-Gururaj S. Developing and implementing universal guidelines for oral patient presentation skills. Teach Learn Med. 2005; 17(3):263-7. PMID: 16042523.
Published on 12/1/2004Green EH, Hershman W, Sarfaty S. The Value of the Subinternship: A Survey of Fourth Year Medical Students. Med Educ Online. 2004 Dec; 9(1):4349. PMID: 28253132.
Published on 4/1/2000Orlander JD, Gupta M, Fincke BG, Manning ME, Hershman W. Co-teaching: a faculty development strategy. Med Educ. 2000 Apr; 34(4):257-65. PMID: 10733721.
Published on 1/1/2000Ghali WA, Saitz R, Eskew AH, Gupta M, Quan H, Hershman WY. Successful teaching in evidence-based medicine. Med Educ. 2000 Jan; 34(1):18-22. PMID: 10607274.
Published on 5/1/1999Ghali WA, Saitz R, Sargious PM, Hershman WY. Evidence-based medicine and the real world: understanding the controversy. J Eval Clin Pract. 1999 May; 5(2):133-8. PMID: 10471221.