List of Requirements for International Medical Students
The following requirements are for international medical students who applied and were accepted to undertake a clinical elective at Boston University Avedisian & Chobanian School of Medicine (BUCASM). Questions regarding the following tasks may be directed to Ana Gregory.
Tuition Payment: Tuition for one clinical elective is $3000 USD. Your tuition payment is due no later than the start date of the your elective; it may be paid using a credit card at Tuition Payment Form for International Medical Students.
The items below are MANDATORY.
Failure to complete these requirements will delay the start of your elective and prevent you from receiving an evaluation (or letter of completion).
Requirements to Complete Before Arrival:
The following tasks take place about 1-2 weeks before your elective.
- Ensure you are medically cleared
Per item #5 on ISEP Document Submissions ensure you are medical cleared by Boston Medical Center Health System Occupational Health. - Ensure you have received reporting instructions for the first day of your elective
You will receive reporting instructions from your elective coordinator the week before you start your elective. If you do not receive these instructions by the Thursday before the start date of your elective, email Ana Gregory. - Log in to Your BMC Account and Complete Workday Training
You will be given instructions by your elective coordinator or Ana Gregory to login to your BMC IT account and complete mandatory online Workday training. - Read International Student Guide to BUMC
You are required to read REQUIRED INFORMATION as part of this guide. You will also learn about the location of BUMC, dress code, and more.
Requirements to Complete When You Arrive on Campus:
On the First Day of Your Elective
- Obtain Your ID
Go to the ID Office, 710 Albany Street, room 102, (ground level). Hours: Monday through Friday, 7 AM – 4 PM (closed 9-9:15 AM and 12-12:30 PM). You will need your BMC ID# given to you by Ana Gregory. - Complete EPIC (Computer) Training
In order to access EPIC, the hospital patient record system, you are a required to attend training (“Epic AMB Med Student Training”) which is usually held on the first Monday of your elective via Zoom. Instructions will be given to you by the coordinator of your elective.
By the End of the First Week of Your Elective
- Meet with Ana Gregory for Brief Orientation
Email Ana so you are able meet with her in the Enrichment Office to answer any questions you may have. - Attend Mask Fit Session: As outlined in the instructions sent to you in an email with subject of “Mask Fit” be certain you attend a mask fit session and email proof of your session to Ana.
- Submit International Medical Student Check-In Form
Boston University’s International Students & Scholars Office (ISSO) requires each international student who is not a U.S. citizen or a U.S. permanent resident (“green card” holder) to check in. To do this, complete the check-in form. There are immigration documents that must be submitted with this form. - Pay Your Tuition
Tuition for one clinical elective is $3000 USD. Your tuition payment is due no later than the start date of the your elective; it may be paid using a credit card at Tuition Payment Form for International Medical Students. - Evaluation Form
If you are required to be evaluated (i.e., earn a grade) for your elective, you must provide your elective director with an evaluation form at the beginning of your elective. It is your responsibility to facilitate this process and ensure the evaluation form is being processed and sent to its destination.
By the Last Day of Your Elective
- Letter of Completion
You may request a letter of completion from Ana Gregory that states you successfully undertook your elective at BUSM. There is no grade or evaluation contained in this letter. Letters are sent to you via e-mail attachment. - Return BUMC Property
You are required to return all BUMC property that may be in your possession upon departure including the BUMC ID badge. Return items to Ana Gregory, Enrichment Office.