Research Path
The Research Path consists of a 12-month 36-credit hour curriculum.
Fall Semester
GMS IM 600 Bioimaging Foundations
The physical, mathematical, and experimental foundations of bioimaging are studied with historical context and are presented in the following sequence: bioimaging, principles, bioimaging mathematics, and bioimaging physics, leading to the study of the different bioimage generation techniques (modalities).
4 credits
Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
GMS IM 610 Magnetic Resonance: Principles, Methods, and Applications in Biomedical Research
This course will provide an overview of the underlying principles of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and the various methodologies used in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) with emphasis on methods applied in biomedical research. The course will emphasize the connection between the basic manipulation of the spin system via the sequence of RF and gradient pulses (the pulse sequence) and the information that can be retrieved from the observed object, be it a solution of an isolated protein of the human brain.
4 credits
Prerequisite: consent of instructor
GMS IM 660 Radiation Protection & Ethics
Many of the established and state-of-the-art modalities in diagnostic imaging rely upon radiation as the imaging agent. However, radiation in itself is considered a hazard that must be controlled. This course will introduce the fundamentals of understanding radiation, the risks of radiation exposure, and the methods of minimizing its harmful potential while maximizing its beneficial qualities.
2 credits
Prerequisite: consent of instructor
GMS IM 700 Thesis and Practicum Design
First phase of the directed research project, either thesis or practicum, in the field of bioimaging. Students choose an area of concentration in bioimaging, and identify a line of research with clearly defined specific objectives to be conducted.
2 credits
Prerequisite: consent of instructor
GMS IM 651 Statistical Analysis of Neuroimaging Data
This course is designed to give the student a working knowledge of the parametric and non-parametric statistical procedures that are commonly used to analyze data generated from in vivo imaging techniques such as CT, MRI, PET and SPECT.
2 credits
Prerequisite: consent of instructor
GMS IM 701 Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals
Imaging techniques such as computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have seen rapid rates of growth in the past years. It is vital that professionals working with these imaging tools have a strong working knowledge of gross anatomy to understand the images they are looking at. This course is designed to give students in the Masters in Bioimaging program the fundamental knowledge they will need of gross anatomy. The course is taught from medical images such as CT and MRI rather than more traditional methods since this is the source of information the MBI students are expected to encounter in their future.
2 credits
Prerequisite: consent of instructor
Total: 16 Credits
Spring Semester
GMS IM 620 Bioimaging Theory & Imaging Processing
The main theoretical aspects of bioimaging are studied, including image meaning, image generation, image quality (analysis, improvement, and limits), image information content (generation and extraction), and image assisted modeling of biologic systems. Mathematical foundations and basic techniques for digital image processing are studied theoretically as well as in a hands-on approach in the Image Processing Laboratory.
4 credits
Prerequisite: consent of instructor
GMS IM 630 Methods of Functional Imaging of the Brain
This course will provide an overview of the various existing methods for detecting and mapping brain function in vivo. A brief introduction will provide the necessary background to brain physiology: electrical activity, synaptic transmission, cell metabolism and haemodynamic response associated with neuronal activity.
2 credits
Prerequisite: consent of instructor
GMS IM 670 Special Topics in Bioimaging
Imaging has come to increasingly serve as a substrate and necessary ingredient for progressively more complex diagnoses and therapy. The increasing significance of the imaging components has been classically appreciated in fields such as radiation therapy, where planning of treatment based on images is integral to the therapy itself, and has spread beyond the boundaries of such disciplines to numerous surgical fields such as neurosurgery, orthopedics, and ear, nose, and throat surgery. This course provides focused work in such areas as PET/CT and ultrasound/EEG/MEG.
2 credits
Prerequisite: consent of instructor
GMS IM 680 Professional Skills in Bioimaging
This course provides instruction in application softwares’ for imaging processing and mathematical analysis. In addition, this is a preparatory course for students making the transition from a formal academic program into the dynamic work place. It will cover those fundamental skills required to facilitate searching, locating, and qualifying for the job of one’s choice. It will cover topics such as building a portfolio, networking, resume writing, and interviewing skills. Speakers in the various fields of imaging will be invited to discuss how he or she made the transition into the workplace and students will have the opportunity to discuss and discover the various pitfalls on the paths of entry into the field of his or her choice.
2 credits
Prerequisite: consent of instructor
GMS IM 655 Directed Studies in Bioimaging
2 credits
Prerequisite: consent of instructor
GMS IM 710 Thesis Research
Second phase of a three-semester thesis research project in the field of bioimaging during which students postulate a hypothesis, design an experimental protocol to test the hypothesis, acquire data (pilot and final).
2 credits
Prerequisite: consent of instructor
Total: 14 Credits
Summer I
GMS IM 730 Thesis Research
Third phase of a three-semester thesis project in the field of bioimaging during which student finish data analysis and primarily concentrate on writing a comprehensive technical report describing in detail their work in Phases I and II.
2 credits
Prerequisite: consent of instructor
GMS IM 655 Directed Studies in Bioimaging
2 credits
Prerequisite: consent of instructor
Total: 4 Credits
Summer II
GMS IM 730 Thesis Research
Third phase of a three-semester thesis project in the field of bioimaging during which student finish data analysis and primarily concentrate on writing a comprehensive technical report describing in detail their work in Phases I and II.
2 credits
Prerequisite: consent of instructor
Total: 2 Credits