Report Misconduct

Graduate Medical Sciences at Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine is committed to providing a work and educational environment that is supportive of all personnel and that is professional, collegial, and conducive to providing exceptional training in teaching, research and patient care.

We strive to provide environments in which our students, trainees, staff and faculty can flourish in the workplace, laboratory, clinic and classroom.

The school places a high priority on the appropriate treatment of its community and affiliated members and provides a mechanism for both open and confidential resolution of complaints from students, postdoctoral fellows, staff and faculty by conducting thorough, prompt and impartial investigation.

Appropriate Treatment in Graduate Education

To ensure a supportive learning environment for its masters, PhD and post-doctoral trainees, Graduate Medical Sciences established the Appropriate Treatment in Graduate Education Policy. GMS students may view the form, learn how complaints are reviewed and processed and submit the ATGE online form here. Complaints of mistreatment can be submitted named or be made anonymously.

Appropriate Treatment in Medical Education

To ensure a supportive learning environment for its medical students, the the medical school established the Appropriate Treatment in Medicine committee and reporting form. Medical students should report unprofessional or inappropriate behavior using the Appropriate Treatment in Medical Education Reporting Form

Boston University Ombuds

The Office of the Ombuds is an independent, impartial, informal problem-solving resource serving BU faculty, staff, and students on both Campuses. The office maintains strict confidentiality and provides a safe place for off-the-record conversations on issues related to life, work or study at Boston University. This is an anonymous means of reporting.

Boston University Equal Opportunity Office

The Equal Opportunity Office is dedicated to advancing Boston University’s commitment to fostering an environment where faculty, staff and students can engage in work and study free from unlawful harassment, discrimination, or access barriers.  You can contact EOO to speak to a confidential resource; to report harassment, discrimination or sexual misconduct or to report a barrier to gaining access on campus.

Faculty and staff can request accommodation for a mental or physical disability through EOO; however, students should reach out to BU’s Disability and Access Services ( ) or to Dr. Theresa Davies (  Incident reports can be submitted named or be made anonymously. 

Title IX

Title IX is now under the umbrella of the Equal Opportunity Office. Student incident reports can be submitted named or be made anonymously. 

Faculty and staff are mandatory reporters, referring all students, faculty and staff directly to the GMS Deputy Title IX Coordinator Dr. Gwynneth Offner ( / 617-358-9541 ) and requires immediate and mandatory reporting. Dr. Karen Symes serves as a second Deputy for GMS (


EthicsPoint is a confidential BU-wide (third-party) Ethics and Compliance Hotline to report improper conduct or violations of BU policies for all students, staff and faculty (can be anonymous).   You can read more about their review process and access their reporting form here.

    Faculty Staff Assistance Office

    The Faculty & Staff Assistance Office (FSAO) provides confidential support and resources for all faculty and staff, and their family members, covering work, family or personal issues.  They can be contacted by phone (617-353-5381), email ( or via online form to set up appointment.

    Marsh Chapel

    University Chaplains  are available to students, faculty, and staff as important supports for the communities of BU.