Exam Re-examination and Remediation Request Form

When signing up for exam remediation, students must adhere to the guidelines outlined in section 8.1.3 of the Policies and Procedures for Evaluation, Grading and Promotion of Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine MD Students.

8.1.3 Remediation of Course Grades by Reexaminations: Remediation of a course occurs when a student receive a failing grade for the course. If a student fails a course, they must take the remediation exam on one of the scheduled remediation days. A single round of assessments will be administered before the start of the second or third curricular years at a time selected and coordinated by the Medical Education Office and the Course Directors. If a student fails two or more courses, they must petition the SEPC for permission to remediate those courses and take the remediation assessment. Any failure on the remediation assessment results in a final fail grade for the course/rotation. The student must request permission from the SEPC to repeat the course/rotation.

Students who must remediate are expected to meet with the course and/or module director(s) prior to signing up for remediation dates.

If you are taking multiple exams, please ensure that you select different exam dates for each.