Transportation & Parking

Traffic along Commonwealth Avenue during Commencement Weekend can become heavily congested, causing long delays. We recommend using public transportation to and from campus whenever possible.

Public Transit


  • You can quickly and easily hop on a Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority (MBTA) bus or a train from campus to various places in the city and beyond. Check the MBTA site for maps and schedules, or use their trip planner. For the MD-PhD Commencement Ceremony, use the GREEN LINE B (Boston College) to Babcock Street.

BU Shuttle

  • The BU Shuttle will be running through commencement to take graduates and the guests across campus.


  • For those who must drive to campus, all parking lots and garages will be open and available free of charge throughout the weekend.
  • For the MD-PhD Commencement Ceremony, family/guests of graduates will be allowed to park in Langsam Garage, 278 Babcock St (entrance on Gardner Street) on a first-come first-served basis.
  • Faculty who drive are encouraged to park at Agganis Arena surface lot and garage at 925 Commonwealth. Agganis will also be available for additional family/guest parking.
  • All lots throughout BU have accessible parking for those with disabilities. Additional details will be provided in the spring for any guests requiring a designated accessible parking permit.
  • For more information please contact