
The Sarcoidosis Center at Boston Medical Center provides diagnostic and therapeutic services for patients with sarcoidosis on a referral basis. Some patients come only for an initial evaluation or second opinion, while others may be followed for years. All clinical care is provided at Boston Medical Center, where there is a full range of medical, surgical, and radiological specialists available. A premier mission of the Center is to train the next generation of physicians about the care and treatment of patients with sarcoidosis. This means that patients are sometimes examined by a Resident physician who is receiving training in sarcoidosis. These Resident physicians are advanced in their training, and are qualified in Internal Medicine as well as Pulmonary Medicine. Dr. Berman oversees all aspects of the care delivered through the Center and examines patients at each visit, regardless of whether a Resident is involved in their care.

The Consultation

Sarcoidosis is a complex illness, and may involve many body organs. Often, a patient is referred to the Sarcoidosis Center after many procedures and tests have been done. In order to perform the best consultation possible, we recommend that you send relevant records to Dr. Berman BEFORE your visit, including X-rays. Many times these are available on CD ROM at the institution that took the X-rays.

Before Your Visit

We try to review your records and X-rays before your visit, to allow Dr. Berman and his staff to think about your case, and to determine if there are other pieces of data that would change the diagnosis or the course of treatment recommended. This also allows you the freedom to take back the X-rays at the time of the visit, rather than risking their loss in the mail between X-ray file rooms.

It helps a great deal if you write down the questions you have for Dr. Berman. We have found that sometimes patients benefit as much from asking the right questions as from anything else we do. The same thing applies to your doctor; if she or he asks us a specific question they have about your illness or treatment, we will deliver a more useful opinion.

What Happens After Your Visit

Most of the time your consultation will be a single visit, at which time we will review the history of your illness, the testing and radiology, and the questions that arise.

Sometimes we will recommend other tests. These can be done either at our medical center, or locally at your own doctor’s office or hospital. Dr. Berman can then review the results at the next visit and proceed from there.

Location: Boston Medical Center
Shapiro Building, Suite 9B
725 Albany Street
Boston, MA 02118
Best Parking: 710 Albany Street garage
Appointments: (617) 638-7480
Fax: (617) 638-7486
Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays

8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

After hours urgent problems: (617) 638-5793 and ask for the Pulmonary Fellow on-call to be paged.  In case of emergency, do not wait for pages, call 911.
Staff: The Sarcoidosis Center is directed by Jeffrey S. Berman, M.D., Professor of Medicine at Boston University School of Medicine, and Director of Critical Care Medicine at Boston Medical Center.  Dr. Berman is an acknowledged expert in the diagnosis, treatment, and investigation of sarcoidosis.


Dr. Berman

We value your suggestions.  Our goal is to provide you, our patients, with the best possible service relating to a stressful illness. We would appreciate any feedback, positive or negative, relating to your visit to the Sarcoidosis Center.

Jeffrey S. Berman, M.D. (Email)
Director, Sarcoidosis Center
Boston Medical Center