Formative Assessment and Feedback

Formative Assessment and Feedback Policy

Policy Statement

Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine ensures that each medical student is provided with formative assessment early enough during each required course or clerkship to allow sufficient time for remediation. Formative assessment occurs at least at the midpoint of each required course or clerkship four or more weeks in length.


Course and clerkship directors are responsible for ensuring that students receive formative assessment in each required course or clerkship.

The Medical Education Committee and Curriculum & Assessment Office are responsible for compliance oversight and non-compliance follow-up.


Required Pre-clerkship Courses

  • Students will receive formative assessment by at least the mid-point of each required pre-clerkship course
  • Students must have access to course or module directors (or their faculty designees) throughout the course or module to solicit additional feedback regarding their performance.
  • Formative assessment includes, but is not limited to, quizzes, practice questions, and verbal feedback.

Required Clerkships

  • A mid-clerkship review meeting must occur by approximately the midpoint of each required clerkship with the clerkship director (or their faculty designee, such as a site director).
  • Each clerkship director (or faculty designee), will provide mid-clerkship feedback in person to each medical student on the rotation at the midpoint for that clerkship and complete the mid-clerkship review form which should include a review based on the Clinical Student Evaluation Form (CSEF) domains and behavioral anchors.
  • In addition, the mid-clerkship review should include a review of the student’s clinical log to ensure that the student is on track to meet all required diagnoses and procedures for that clerkship. If deficiencies are found, a plan will be developed with the student to ensure all requirements are met by the end of the clerkship.
  • The clerkship director (or faculty designee) and student will sign the mid-clerkship review form at the end of the meeting.
  • Students must have access to clerkship directors (or their faculty designees) throughout the clerkship to solicit additional feedback regarding their performance.


The Medical Education Committee monitors module, course, and clerkship assessment methods annually to ensure students are provided with sufficient feedback on their performance.

The Curriculum & Assessment Office monitors clerkships for compliance on mid-clerkship and end-of-clerkship evaluation to ensure compliance with this policy.

Non-compliance is reported to the Associate Dean of Medical Education and the Assistant Dean of Medical Education for Curriculum & Assessment for action.

Relevant LCME Element(s): 9.7 Formative Assessment and Feedback

Approved by the Medical Education Committee (MEC) on March 14, 2018.